First Contact!
The eclipse has started. The digital video camera picks it up nicely.
Unfiltered Photo
Light spillage in the unfiltered shot prevents the contact being detected.
Filtered photo
This one was taken holding the eclipse shades in front of the lens. It
reduces the light spillage somewhat, but you can only see a small indentation
in the sun; however, the eclipse is quite well advanced.
Getting There
The sun is well over half occluded. The digital video has very little light
Filtered Shot Again
Despite the massive light spillage, the occlusion is clearly visible.
Pinhole Camera
A pinhole was drilled in a board and then the image reflected onto a screen. The
eclipse is nearing totality.
Almost There!
The sun's limb is starting to disappear.
My last effort at a filtered shot before the sun disappears completely.
Possibly the aperture was kept open.
In the last few seconds the light begins to
diminish rapidly as the shadow comes upon us. The sky turns a deep twilight
blue as the remaining part of the sun fades into the diamond
It's like a giant black eye in the sky. With the
brightness of the sun gone, the previously invisible solar corona glows
eerily, low in the western sky.
Alien Landscape
A dark star shining in an almost black sky,
low on the horizon, reflected in a salt lake makes an alien landscape. The
feeling was like looking at an illustration from a science fiction
Diamond Ring
At 3rd contact we get a brilliant diamond
ring effect.
Diamond Ring 2
A couple of seconds later, the glow from the
body of the sun is now drowning the corona.
Just Past Diamond Ring
The limb of the sun now out. Its shape
can be seen only in the internal reflection image.
Coming Out
The sun has appeared again and life returns anew
to the planet.
Past 3rd Contact
Totality is now well and truly past, and the filtered video camera is once
again doing its job. It recorded nothing during totality as the filter is too
dark to see the solar corona.